Everything About Ozone Generator

As a Ozone generator supplier, I will share it with you.

Ozone generator is an air or water purification device, its main function is to use ozone to kill bacteria and filter pollutants.

What is Ozone?

Ozone is a form of oxygen, but its stability is much lower than that of common O3. Ozone molecules have three oxygen atoms (O3), unlike the oxygen in the air that gives life to the planet (O2). Ozone is powerful because the extra oxygen atom can easily escape and attach to other substances.

Ozone naturally exists in the environment, mostly concentrated in the upper part of the atmosphere, helping to offset ultraviolet radiation. Lower ozone concentrations than the atmosphere can cause serious health problems because ozone is highly toxic to humans and most other organisms.


How Ozone Generators Work?


Ozone Generator

Ozone Generator


Ozone generator is a device used to produce ozone gas (O3). Ozone is easy to decompose and cannot be stored. It needs to be prepared and used on-site (short-term storage under special circumstances). Therefore, ozone generators must be used in all places where ozone can be used.

Ozone generators produce ozone by breaking apart oxygen (O2) molecules into single atoms, which then attach to other oxygen molecules in the air to form ozone (O3).

Silent Corona Discharge

These machines use electric discharge to produce ozone by splitting the normal oxygen molecules in the air into single atoms. These atoms then attach to other O2 molecules in the air to form ozone (O3).

Ultraviolet Radiation

This process of ozone generation is similar to how the sun’s ultraviolet radiation splits O2 to form individual oxygen atoms.


Application Fields of Ozone Generators

Ozone generators have a wide range of uses. Ozone generators are widely used in drinking water, sewage, industrial oxidation, food processing and preservation, medical synthesis, and space sterilization.


Medical Hygiene

The scope of use of ozone generators in medical and health institutions includes:

1) Sterilize all places in the hospital, including wards, operating rooms, waiting halls, offices, etc., to control the spread and spread of germs and prevent cross-infection.

2) Sterilize surgical instruments.

3) Disinfect the hands of medical staff with ozone water.

4) Use ozone compound solution to treat wounds and promote wound healing.


Disinfection of Public Places and Homes

Using ozone generators indoors and at home in public places can quickly kill bacteria, molds, yeasts, viruses and other microorganisms in the air. Moreover, the ozone generator can eliminate odors, decompose toxic and harmful substances, and has the functions of refreshing the air, eliminating fatigue, and refreshing and strengthening the brain.

The public places visited include stations, docks, airports, schools, libraries, post offices, banks, telecommunications business halls, pharmacies, shopping malls, farmer’s markets, tourist attractions, offices and other areas.


Fruit and Vegetable Preservation

The number of fruits and vegetables lost every year is staggering, with a decay rate of as high as 40%. The use of an ozone generator can sterilize and keep fruits and vegetables fresh, reduce the rotten rate of fruits and vegetables, thereby improve the quality of fruits and vegetables, and extend their fresh-keeping period.


Livestock and Poultry Breeding

In the process of livestock and poultry breeding, the main functions of the ozone generator include:

1) Sterilize the air and tools of the breeding house to prevent livestock and poultry from getting sick;

2) Promote the healthy growth of livestock and poultry;

3) Improve the growth rate of livestock and poultry, shorten the feeding time and cost, and increase the efficiency of breeding;

4) Reduce the amount of antibiotics and improve the safety and quality of livestock and poultry food.


Agricultural Production

The ozone generator used in agricultural production can play a good role in preventing pests and diseases. Such a flower is conducive to increasing the output and quality of agricultural products and increasing agricultural benefits.


Sewage Treatment

The use of ozone generators to treat industrial sewage and domestic sewage can kill bacteria and other harmful organisms in the sewage, and oxidize and decompose harmful substances in the sewage, which is conducive to saving water resources.

Our company has the Ozone Generators for sale, welcome to consult!


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